Client: Department of Premier & Cabinet Victoria
– Multicultural Affairs and Social Cohesion Division
Context: Victoria is growing and becoming more diverse. Jobseekers from a range of backgrounds face barriers in finding work. Global research tells us that diversity is good for the workforce, the economy, and the community. Culturally diverse teams are more creative and solve complex tasks more efficiently than culturally homogenous teams. So why is there still resistance?
Recruit Smarter was created to address this issue. It is a multi-sector strategic initiative of the Victorian Government in conjunction with Universtiy of Melbourne, the Centre for Ethical Leadership and VicHealth. Its aim was to develop inclusive recruitment practices and address unconscious bias in recruitment.
It was run over two years around three priorities: trialling new approaches, designing best practice and sharing knowledge.
Crealo produced a series of small, simple infographics used in a 2017 social media campaign. 2018 saw the culmination of the research, and we were engaged again to produce a range of visual materials aimed at audiences from the general public to employers, as well as government officials.
We created three main pieces of collateral:
- A four page summary infographic, painting the context of the initiative and the findings from the two years of research. Findings centred around the trial of new approaches like CV de-identification, unconscious bias training, collaboratively developed best practice guidelines and knowledge sharing.
- Design of the Key Findings document, using a mix of graphics and photography to present the ideas and statistics in interesting ways
- The complete 70 page research report.

Various isolated infographic illustrations about Victoria’s population: